About Mamamooshka

home renovationsSome people say that a house is made a home after a certain number of years you have lived in it. Others say it’s a space where you are comfortable being yourself. Both of these statements are true and it’s different for everyone.

I think what makes a house a home isn’t the physical structure itself, but its more the memories that have been created inside. Throughout my life, I have had a total of four homes: the one I grew up in, the one I bought when I got married, the house I bought when I divorced but the one I feel the most comfortable in is the house I have retired in.

While good and bad things have happened in every home at different stages, it is this current house that feels like a home. I think the main reason for that is that I have changed things the way I want to change them. In other words, I have created a space that is me and no one else. I have also created many great memories in this house and no doubt will create many more in the coming years.

I have learned so much about houses, renovations, decorating and even cooking since I retired a few years ago. Cooking has also been a passion of mine and I am now free to cook what I want when I want, invite whom I want when I want to share that meal. To me, this is what makes a home. A space where you can be free to express who you are without the fear of judgement.

The idea of this site is to share some of those ideas and lessons I have learned along the way to hopefully spare others from making the same stupid mistakes.

Please feel free to leave me comments as we go along. I love to hear what others think and hopefully share some of your tips and tricks for making a house a home.